woman on laptop

Working From Home

woman on laptopIt is time to take advantage of technology as the spread of the coronavirus (covid19) is changing our lives.

If your business uses a VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) or cloud-based phone system then you can have your office staff simply take their desk phone home and work remotely.   All while keeping the same office phone number and features. Plus, when calls are made to customers or clients, the caller ID will show your business name and phone number just like at the office.   This is preferable over having your team use their mobile phones to communicate with customers.

How It Works

Yes, it really is very simple.

  1. Disconnect your desk phone from your office network.
  2. Disconnect the power supply for the phone (remember to take the phone power supply with you*.  You will also need a cat 5 data cable to connect your VoIP phone at home).
  3. When you get home, plug your phone using a cat 5 data cable to an available port on your Internet router.
  4. Plugin the power adapter for the phone. (You’ll need a power adapter for your phone unless you have a Power over Ethernet network switch at home.  In business VoIP installs, IP phones often get their power and internet over the same cable, which eliminates the need for a separate adapter.)
  5. Wait a minute or so, then pick up the phone to check for dial tone.

In some cases, you may need to power cycle your router so that the phone can sync to your home routers’ IP address.

Now your phone has all the functionality just like it did at the office.  You can answer calls, check voicemail messages, intercom co-workers, forward calls, etc.

Other options:

phone iphone telephone

Simultaneous ring:  You can have your office phone number ring simultaneously on your mobile or home phone.   This feature would need to be programmed onto your VoIP phone system and would require a call to technical support.

Smartphone app:  You can use your smartphone as an extension of your VoIP system with the Bria app or app from your provider like Ring Central

Forwarding:  Or you can go old school and just forward your office phone number directly to your mobile phone.

Hope this helps.  Let me know if you have any questions or comments.   

Carlos Garcia,

Please Hold Advertising 305-388-3088.


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