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Uploading on hold message to RingCentral

How to upload your on hold message file to RingCentral.

Do you use RingCentral for your business communications?  A lot of people do.  We have many customers that have purchased a custom on hold message and want to use it on their Ring Central account.

This short video shows you how to easily upload an on hold message to Ring Central.  First you must have your on hold message on your computer in .mp3 or .wav format. Ring Central recommends for.wav file format you use: CCITT u-Law (G711a), 8kHz, 8 bit, mono.  Or PCM, 8kHz, 16 bit, mono. These .wav files are in a very specific format for use with Ring Central. You cannot upload a full CD quality 44.1 kHz file.  It must be converted to the above mentioned formats or it will not work correctly.  We suggest you use an audio file conversion program like Switch Audio Converter by NCH.

RingCentral and on hold messages.

Like most hosted PBX or cloud phone systems, RingCentral allows the use of a custom on hold message or music on hold.  This message on hold would replace the standard music only option that is the default.  By using a custom hold message you greatly improve your business image and make better use of all the powerful features that this system provides.  For more info see the RingCentral support link on music on hold and messages.

File formats to use with RingCentral.

There are two types of audio file formats that you can use with RingCentral, .mp3 or .wav.


This format is probably the most popular audio file format on the web.  Within .mp3 there are many resolution settings and attributes that determine such things as audio quality, file size, compatibility and more.


If you use this format you will have to convert your on hold message file to one of these two resolutions with these exact attributes for optimal sound quality and playback on RingCentral.

CCITT u-Law (G711a), 8kHz, 8 bit, mono.

Or PCM, 8kHz, 16 bit, mono.


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